Monday, 18 June 2007

2007 Badger Series 10km Trail runs

If anyone is interested...

Thursday 21st June at 7.30 pm

is the second of the

2007 Badger Series 10km Trail runs

around the scenic Cuerden Valley Park, nr Bamber Bridge

A measured 10km challenging, multi-terrain course, expect the unexpected i.e. gates, stiles, fields, ruins and scenic countryside.

1 pair trail shoes to be won at each event by free draw

(Won by John Lavelle of Rossendale Harriers on 17.05.07)

Registration at Wildlife Trust headquarters, The Barn which has toilets, one shower, plenty of car-parking and lots of interest.

Post race presentations include raffle, goody bags from Up and Running, tea / coffee and home baked cakes. Come and join the fun and bring the family (they can be put to good use helping!)

Entry £5 on night only from 6pm

All proceeds to the Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Race Three: Thursday 19th July

Come and join in the fun!

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