Monday, 18 August 2008

Chaiman's Fell Race !3th August 2008

Chaiman's Fell Race  !3th August 2008
Position | NAME | H/cp Time | Act Time
1 | Peter Hopley | 59.08 | 44.08
2 | Peter Noble | 60.15 | 51.05
3 | Mick Green | 60.47 | 40.47
4 | Keith Thomas | 60.51 | 41.51
5 | Geof Sale | 62.10 | 52.10
6 | Adrian Hope | 62.51 | 51.51
7 | Jane Forrest | 63.17 | 56.17
8 | Gill Caldwell | 66.35 | 66.35
9 | Liz Hopley | 67.56 | 65.56
10 | Chris Smith | 72.3 | 70.3
10 | Kath Johnson | 72.3 | 70.3

Thanks to all who took part in this event and for treating it in the true spirit of such an event. The event took place on a good running night, and on a normal club training night so it was a bit disappointing that so few turned out, but it was to the loss of those who did not show because those who did had a good run followed by a good supper in the Bridge Inn.

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