Sunday, 28 December 2008

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Longridge 7 results 14th December 2008

9 Mick Green 00:42:51
25 Arnold Melling 00:46:44

Great running in a race which has some serious climbing. Mick in the top ten of a race with 241 runners.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008


There are a lot of people who like to go for a jog but will not go out on their own at night, there are also people who would like to jog but do not have the confidence to do so on their own.

Other people will not join a running club because of the popular misconception that they are only there for super fit runners with intense training schedules.

LOSTOCK AC has some NEWS that might be of HELP to all these people.

We are introducing a JOGGERS GROUP to our Wednesday night training session, the group will be supervised by one of our members and run at a pace to suit all, short distances, no racing, no sprinting and definitely no stop watches.
The GROUP will commence on Wed. 7th January 2009. It is open to anyone who would like to Jog with a group of similar standard runners.
We meet in the Foyer at Horwich Leisure Centre at 7.00pm for a 7.15pm start
There are changing and shower facilities available at the Centre if required.

LOSTOCK AC is a very SOCIAL group and like to get together after the Wed. training sessions for a drink and a chat, if this appeals to you we meet in Horwich Conservative Club at approx. 8.45pm.

John Smith ( Chairman )

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Guys 10 Mile 7th December 2008

19th Pete Hopely MV40 1.00.46 well done ... getting closer to getting under the hour
44th Arnold Melling MV60 1.05.18

2nd November Thro' the Villages

40th Pete Hopely MV40 54.35
135th Graham Robinson MV45 1.03.04

Accrington 10k 26th October 2008

A short time after the start the downhill section of the race begins which at first is really uplifting with all thoughts for a lifetime personal best coming to mind . A couple of miles of this downhill and the elation of the splendid mile times is becoming overcast by the thought that at some point you have to go up again. Surely enough the effort that has to be put in to get back to the home straight does earn this race its place as a challenging one .
9th Keith thomas MV50 37.42
44th Derek Lord MV45 41.59

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Barbados Half Marathon

Way back in August myself and Cherry had a brilliant idea for a race , something a little bit adventurous, something out of the ordinary, somewhere mouthwatering so after about 10 seconds of thinking time we both decided on entering a half marathon in Barbados. Enter we did and with out further ado got down to some training and racing. Cherry was doing great, myself not to good, it was at the Cross Morecambe bay half marathon race that I became a cropper .No problem I thought I have until 7th Dec to get my busted ankle fixed. Sept came, Oct and nov passed and I knew my ankle was not going to be up to any racing at all, not even for Barbados.
Cherry was getting fitter I was getting down in the dumps . I so desperately wanted to race this big one as traveling over 8ooomiles round trip and not running was not what we planned .
We arrived in Barbados, Cherry still training, myself feeing rather naffed off. I had a few days to come to a decision should I do a race, all be it a short one or just drink loads of rum punch ,we both entered a midnight mile run in St Lawrence Gap ,so no rum punch , well I had just a little .Cherry did well in the mile race and came in ahead of me in under 7 mins and she said she was only jogging ,saving herself for the half marathon in two days .My ankle stood up to a mile however it was not up to a half mara. Half marathon day was upon us, a 3am get up ,a half hour car journey to the start in Bridgetown and at 5am Cherry was off in her race. Runner from all over took part ,from Canada ,USA ,Italy and lots of other Caribbean Islands along with the Brits one of them from Lostock ac .
It was dark and warm as the race began .
People with dreadlocks flowing ran , runners without shoes ran ,and Cherry ran and what a run she had , not only had she ran in heat in the last half of the race she got a PB SMASHING 3 mins off in a time of 42 mins and then won her age catagory and got a trophy ,came in 4th lady overall and won an amazing 750 barbados dollars ( about £270 ) ,check out photo on run barbados 2008 face book of her getting her prize .
I was so proud of her efforts that I let her buy me a few drinks and an evening meal with part of her winnings , a big thanks for that .
As I could`nt run the race and all being well I am going to enter next year so if anyone would like a trip of a life time let me know and join me for a run in the sun and stay for some fun .
Well done again Cherry you deserved what you got

Dave Pearson .............................................

Tuesday, 9 December 2008


LOSTOCK AC - AGM - 3rd Dec 2008

Apologies – Kath Johnson, John & Jackie Roberts, Pete & Liz Hopley and Sheila
Minutes -- Accepted --- Proposed by Leo
Seconded by Gill
Matters Arising -- None

Correspondence -- None

Motions ----- None

Appointment of Captains – All present Captains Expressed a desire to carry on
For 2009 season and were accepted.
a) Chairman ---
b) Secretary --- all reports are attached
c) Treasurer ---

Election of Officials -- Leo proposed to re – elect all standing officials &
Seconded by Gill and this was passed.
Captains Reports
X-Country – Gill had nothing notable to report other than races are
Being supported reasonably well.
Fell -- Adrian said that it had been a mixed sort of a season
Congratulations were passed on to Mick Green for
His achievements over the season.
Road -- Keith reported of an indifferent year, some people were
Affected by injury at the start of the season but came
Back into it, and we should support 2009 Grand Prix
As it is the last one.
Charitable Donations
£150 to both the Bolton Scout Trust and Bolton Mountain Rescue.

In closing the meeting the Chairman thanked the 14 members who attended and said that there would be a Lostock 6 meeting on Wed. 17th Dec at 9pm in the club, also that Mark would get info to purchase a Gazebo for use at X-Country and on camp. Any possible new races for calender to be presented at committee meeting 16th Jan.2009

Chairmans report

This has been a eventful year for me, starting off with an injury that kept me out of running more or less up to June, due to which I put on a bit of weight which I am still struggling to lose, and this shows with my Wed night efforts or lack of, but at least I am enjoying my running again. June was also the month that I finally fully retired from work and this has lead to a weekly thrash around various golf courses, mostly in the rain, with fellow retiree John Garnsey.
That’s enough about me, what about the years events of Lostock AC, first off the Lostock 6 another well attended race with lots of good comments on the forums and also adding a nice sum to our bank account, Leo’s Duathlon in April and Hobble in October both a lot fun and well organised as usual. My thanks to Leo and Sheila for their efforts over the last 4years, they have now called it a day –THANKS to you Both – our Fell Race Hendersons End attracted larger fields in both senior and junior races which is very encouraging and enabled us to give sizable donations to the Scouts and Bolton Mountain Rescue without whom we could not put the event on, there was reasonable support for the three Chairmans Races but all who attended enjoyed the events and the suppers here at the Bridge, my thanks to all those who took part and who helped by marshalling.
What is the general consensus of this meeting, should we carry on with the chairmans races or think of something else?
To finish I would like to say what an excellent Club Camp we had this year, we tried something a bit different by booking a coach to transport us all to the start of the walk and it went very well, we even managed a bit of sunshine as well, I am already planning next years walking route. If you have never been with us on camp you have been missing out.

My thanks to all who have supported the various Club events over the year and may I wish you and yours all the very best for Christmas and the New Year


John Smith

AGM - 2008 Report of the Secretary Peter Hopley

Firstly I wish to give my apologies for not being able to attend in person tonight

There has been a fall in membership over the year from 61 to 52 members. Whilst we have attracted a few new members there is a general decline in our numbers over the past few years. This is not just Lostock phenomenon; other clubs are also reporting a drop in numbers, as the sport generally has lost some ground against other activities.

Whist our numbers are generally holding up, I am more concerned with the lack of racing which is a theme echoed throughout all disciplines, road, XC and fell. The Grand Prix this year was particularly poorly supported as we did not win or achieve a placing in any category. Despite this many of our members have embarked on many events both home and overseas and it is good to see great enthusiasm from some quarters.

I propose that Lostock affiliate to the Grand Prix next year. As this will be the final year, the GP Committee are proposing a memento for all runners who complete the requisite number of races, hopefully this be an incentive to “Get Lostock Racing” again.

We should also consider introducing a jogging section to the Wednesday nights, which could be in effect be a slower group setting off ahead of the faster groups. Jogging is far less intimidating that running for beginners. Astley and Tyldesley have done this and have structured their club night so that as beginners improve they move into the running group. They have managed to greatly increase their numbers, which is now being reflected in good numbers at races.


I am pleased that we have stuck to the quarterly committee meetings proposed last year. Whilst this is only an informal gathering is does give some focus to the year. I propose we continue with this in 2009.


1) Lostock 6 was again very well organized and successful

2) The Chairman Races have been well supported in the main

3) Leo’s Hobble was well supported in the end and was a fantastic route. I would propose that we run the event next year on the same course. I recognise Leo does not want to do all the work himself, but we should try to keep the event going and get the whole club behind the event.

4) Lostock versus Burnden was well supported and we were again victorious!

Finally I would like to some see some investment of funds for the club. Suggested expenditure should include;-

1) A gazebo/ large tent for XC/ Fell racing
2) Sponsored running clothing for members
3) Camping equipment

Thanks for all the support form the Chairman and Committee, I am happy to stay on as Secretary should this be the wish of the club.

Peter Hopley

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Night running

Fancy trying something a little more adventurous?

Why not join us on our head torch run on a Wednesday night.

Monday, 1 December 2008

David Staff fell race 30th November 2008

7 Mick Green 00:36:32
40 Pete Hopley 00:41:59
80 Adrian Hope 00:47:00
92 Mark Shuttleworth 00:48:00
130 Vikki Hughes 00:58:08

Wesham 10k 29th November 2008

29 Peter Hopley 00:37:09
60 Stewart Jones00:39:02
88 Derek Coop 00:40:25

Wednesday, 19 November 2008


1 Pete Hopley 13.1 12.32
2 Mick Green 12 11.4
3 Keith Thomas 12 12.01
4 Pete Noble 14.17 14.23
5 Gill Caldwell 17.29 17.41
6 Chris Smith 18.02 18.23
7 Liz Hopley 17.12 17.25
8 Mark Shuttleworth 14.17 14.33
9 Kath Johnson 18.02 18.42
10 Adrian Hope 13.32 14.48
11 Carolyn Brindle 17.12 19.1
12 Allan Jones * 15.5 17.59
13 Vikki Hughes 15.5 18.03
14 Colin Holdcroft * 15.28 17.52
I would like to thank all who took part in the Race
and Leo, Sheila, Geof, Stewart and Dave for
Their assistance in marshalling. The prizes were
presented to Pete Hopley (1st) Gill Caldwell (1st Lady)
Mick Green(fastest man) and Liz Hopley (fastest Lady)
after supper in the Bridge Inn.

Stewarts 50th Birthday run

I would like to thank all the people who turned up for my 5 mile and 50 yrds birthday fun run. The race started opposite the Jolly Crofters pub at the entrance of the fishing reservoir. As the race started Mick Green quickly took up the lead followed by a strange man in a skirt and wearing a Mohican's wig followed by the rest of use. Shortly into the race this strange man took up the lead and we all followed, well most of use, some decided that they wanted to take their own route, but to be fair to these the torrential rain the night before had washed away some of the markings. The first male home was the STRANGE MAN IN THE SKIRT AND WIG and the first female home was the wife of the STRANGE MAN IN THE SKIRT AND WIG. What a family, only joking. Then in true Lostock fashion most of use went into the Jolly Crofters for a little drinkie pooh's. Good time had by all.

1 Guy Hayes (Strange man in shirt and wig) 31;47
2. Mick Green 33:04
3. Steve Nolan 33:06
4. Kieth Thomas 35:12
5. Stew Jones 35:44
6. Pete Hopley 36:25
7. Albert Sunter 36:39
8. Martin Pollit 36:45
9. Derek Coop 36:59
10. Lisa Hayes (Wife of strange man in skirt and wig) 39:24
11. Mark Lycia 48:53
12. Chris Greenhall 48:54
13. Christine Smith 57:10
14. Kath Johnson 57:10
15. Cariline Brindle 59:39
16. Alan Jones 63:15
17. John Smith 63:49
18. Vickey Hughes 64:07
19. Pam Clarkson 64:18
20. Kath Swindle 68:23
21. Michelle Sunter 68:54
22. Liz Hopley 68:56



Monday, 17 November 2008

Stewarts 50th Birthday run

"Thanks to all who took part in and organised Stewarts 50th Birthday run and especially Stewart for very kindly donating the proceeds to Hannah - my Granddaughter.
Hannah is a very special little girl who touches everyones heart, this generous donation will help her to have all she needs and deserves in the future.

Thanks again
John (Chairman)

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Swinton Half Marathon Sunday 28th September 2008

Yes it was that shock to the system again trying to motivate yourself to do a half Marathon at 8.30 in the morning but another fortunate break in the weather meant that conditions were good for the race which was its 30th Anniversary and rewarded finishers with a nice goody bag with glass running momento. I was happy with my steady improvement on my mile times of 10 seconds per mile from last weeks Garstang Half. Stewart had to work hard to overcome niggles to keep his position with Chorley runners 6 seconds each side of him, Paul Jackson just ahead out of reach and Jackie Redmayne doing a 1:28.56 PB closing from behind keeping the pressure on him to the finish.

27 Keith Thomas1:24.25
45 Stewart Jones 1:28.50

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Garstang Half Marathon 21st September

Three lostock runners turned out for the undulating Garstang course . It was fairly warm for this challenging but pleasant course which this year had its best turn out. The water stations were very welcome especially after the hard hill effort at around 10 miles.It was good that people turned up just to do there own thing socialising, racing, training and as a fartlek session. No pressure and could just be enjoyed ....... sort of... A great venue with lots of facilities. Finishing times
13th Keith Thomas 01.26:43 secs
34th Arnold Melling 01.31:48secs
48th Derek Lord 01.34:56secs nearly 3 minutes up on his last years time Well done

Rufford 10 K 7th September

A break in the weather meant the conditions were good for the race . Mick Green finished in 14th place with a time of 36.36secs

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Settle Loop Tough Trail Race 14th September

Ady Roberts 1:19:26
Mark Shuttleworth 1:25:43

Garburn Trail Race 31st May ( a bit late ! )

Ady Roberts 2:25:37
Mark Shuttleworth 2:38:41
Cherry Collinson 2:38:58

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Jubilee 5 Mile Series

Stewart Jones
8th overall 4 events
7th overall combined Vets category

Monday, 25 August 2008

Chipping Show fell race August 2008

5 Mick Green 1.14.30
48 Adrian Hope 1.37.56
56 Cherry Collison 1.46.53

Monday, 18 August 2008

Chaiman's Fell Race !3th August 2008

Chaiman's Fell Race  !3th August 2008
Position | NAME | H/cp Time | Act Time
1 | Peter Hopley | 59.08 | 44.08
2 | Peter Noble | 60.15 | 51.05
3 | Mick Green | 60.47 | 40.47
4 | Keith Thomas | 60.51 | 41.51
5 | Geof Sale | 62.10 | 52.10
6 | Adrian Hope | 62.51 | 51.51
7 | Jane Forrest | 63.17 | 56.17
8 | Gill Caldwell | 66.35 | 66.35
9 | Liz Hopley | 67.56 | 65.56
10 | Chris Smith | 72.3 | 70.3
10 | Kath Johnson | 72.3 | 70.3

Thanks to all who took part in this event and for treating it in the true spirit of such an event. The event took place on a good running night, and on a normal club training night so it was a bit disappointing that so few turned out, but it was to the loss of those who did not show because those who did had a good run followed by a good supper in the Bridge Inn.

Golf Ball fell race 2008

72 Jason Tonge 52:38:00
76 Mark Shuttleworth 53:09:00
78 Adrian Hope 53:42:00
123 Cherry Collinson 61:37:00

joan rhodes&fred norris 5k trail race radcliffe

this was my 3rd 5k in as many weeks and the only 3 i have done,so was very pleased to have reduced my time again. derek lord 31st 19.22

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Something in the air at St.Annes 5k

A short drive to St.Annes was all that was needed to get to this flat 5k race , it s a pb course for those wanting to break their last best 5k time and in perfect running conditions .Day trippers were out in force and would have to be careful as to where they walked along the prom as 129 eager runners stood at the race start ready for a 3.1 mile sprint .
Something caught my eye ,it was a green vest with a black stripe ,it was Arnold Melling ,wow 2 Lostock runners , but wait I must be seeing double another one appeared on my blind side it was Graham Robinson , as I had gone through with the speed merchant of late Derek Lord there was now 4 lostock runners on the start line .
A quick chat from the starter and 4 lostock runners wishing each other well for the race ,we started .
After a good start I found the pace a bit to hot so eased back unlike messrs Melling and Lord who were giving each other a race with Lordy in front just after the 1st mile. Arnie was fighting back and it was nip and tuck for the rest of the race ,it was down to a sprint finsh that decided who won the duel , who had the legs ? .
I was pleased with myself for keeping the pace I was running as was Graham ,we had our own race with the runners around us .
At 19 mins into the race the two Lostock lads stretched their legs for a final push to the finish . Arnie fractionally had legs to hold off Derek by a mere 2seconds and had myself and Graham beaten by 2 mins .
In short ,like the race ,its fast and furious , flat ,scenic round the lake and above all it was pleasing to see 4 off us out ,was it something in the air , may it continue & & & & & & & .Dave P

M r M e l l i n g 1 9 : 3 4 2 6 t h
M r l o r d 1 9 : 3 6 2 7 t h
D a v e P e a r s o n 2 1 : 0 5 4 1 s t
G r a h a m R o b i n

Friday, 11 July 2008

Bull Hill Fell Race 2008

7 Mick Green 00:42:12

A poor turn out for a local race in the club championship.
Come on Lostock!

2 lads fell race 2008

24 Michael Green 37:47
59 Stewart Jones 40:57
112 Mark Shutleworth 45:11
151 Jane Forresst 49:04
154 Graeme Smith 49:42
157 Allan Jones 49:53

Thursday, 3 July 2008



1. Mick Green L 38.27
2. Brian Duffy B 40.26
3. Pete Hopley L 40.32
4. Andy Duffy B 40.47
5. Martin Pollitt B 41.17
6. Stewart Jones L 41.24
7. Chris Greenall B 43.09
8. Derek Lord L 43.17
9. Lesley Fisher B 43.25 *
10. Dave Clemence L 43.56
11. Izzy Hughes B 44.54
12. Pete Noble L 45.32
13. Jason Tonge L 45.33
14. David Coop B 45.44
15. Kirsty Preece B 45.46
16. Aidy Roberts L 46.20
17. Shirley Staveley B 47.10
18. Dave Pearson L 48.59
19. Ann Ferguson B 49.10
20. Jane L 49.20
21. Colm O’Brien L 50.49
22. Jackie Roberts L 53 48
23. Liz Hopley L 56 57
24. Gill Caldwell L 61.02
25. Ken Beevers B 62.43
26. Jackie Beevers B 64.51
27. Tony Connell B 65.24
*1st Lady

A superb effort was put in by the Lostock team to retain the Trophy.

Thanks to all who turned out for this great event, especially those who came to marshall(without whom it would be difficult), also many thanks to Shirley Staveley for putting on the supper at the Bay Horse afterwards.
It was good to be a part of such great and friendly rivalry and can only promote our sport for a brighter future.
Let both clubs try and put out more runners and make the event even more special next year.


Myself and Derek Lord drove accross the Pennines early Sunday morning in driving rain and a howling wind to race at the Humberbridge Half Marathon .As we neared Hull the weather changed for the better and as we arrived at the race car park the sun began to pop its head out .We arrived early so we could have a look around and have a warm up .In no time at all we set off on our half marathon .A couple of miles of a loop saw us on to the famous Humberbridge which is nearly one and a half miles long .We were now heading toward Lincolnshire having set of from Yorkshire and crossing the estuary of the Humber .Derek drove on hard and fast , leaving me in his wake ,his fitness paying dividends these days .The day was now becoming very hot and was sapping our energy .The part of the route in Lincolnshire was most challenging with a hill at four miles and a beast of a climb which lasted for well over a mile at the nine mile mark .I must admit I struggled after that lengthy climb as did Derek . A few more twists and turns lay ahead then back on the bridge to head to the finish . Crowds of people by now were cheering everybody on as the last mile or two became even harder as the sun beat down , then it was off the bridge and a few hundred metres running to the end .
It was great to hear Derek shouting me home so I managed a little effort and passed a couple of runners with a few metres to go , I was wacked . Overall a great race and atmosphere and the bridge made it a special occasion .

Derek 1hr 36 .
Dave 1hr 42 .
Dave Pearson.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Hendersons End - Senior Results

1 K.Gaskill Horwich M40 43.37
2 Steve Nolan Horwich M40 43.39
3 Andy Staveley Burnden RR M40 43.50
4 Ged Walsh Rossendale M40 44.37
5 Adam Critchley Chorley Har M 44.49
6 Denis Mason Horwich M32 45.11
7 Ian Pudge Fell Ponies M 45.24
8 Stephen Morran Northern Vets M50 45.48
9 Richard Stott Rossendale M40 46.27
10 Philip Boardman Horwich M40 46.47
11 Huw Price U/A M40 46.56
12 Richard Buckley U/A M 47.09
13 Albert Sunter Horwich M40 47.23
14 Gareth Cooper Rossendale M 47.31
15 Alan Lundberg-Bury Rosendale M40 47.38
16 Jim Johnston Rossendale M40 48.30
17 H.Longman FRA M40 48.46
18 Graham Shaw Bolton M40 48.52
19 Ronnie Tuner Rossendale M40 49.02
20 Doua Felming Horwich M40 49.20
21 Paul Jackson Chorley M40 49.26
22 John Broome Achille Ratti M40 49.31
23 Graham Breeze Skyrac M60 49.47
24 Anthony Alexander U/A M40 49.56
25 Lindsay Squires Horwich F 50.00
26 M.France Darwen Dashers M40 50.09
27 Jonathon Stubbs Darwen Dashers M40 50.10
28 Brent Brindle Horwich M50 50.34
29 Barry Chapman Horwich M 50.36
30 David Holmes Preston M50 51.07
31 P.Mulleady Astley&Tyldsley M40 51.13
32 Ken Taylor Horwich M 51.14
33 William Halliwell Disley M60 51.15
34 Peter Murphy Darwen Dashers M40 51.22
35 Nigel Barnes Darwen Dashers M40 51.22
36 Lesley Fisher Burden RR F45 51.24
37 Sean Makin Achille Ratti M40 51.58
38 Dave Waywell Wesham RR M60 52.10
39 Suzanna Budget Horwich F45 52.37
40 Sarah Mossey U/A F 52.51
41 Alan Yeomans Rossendale M40 52.52
42 Jaqueline Redmayne Chorley F35 53.02
43 Daniel Talley U/A M 53.09
44 Robert Kellet Royton Rd Runners M40 53.47
45 Nicola Raby Chorley F 53.49
46 Dave Baterson Achille Ratti M50 53.50
47 Isaline Hughes Burnden F35 53.51
48 Tony Varley Horwich M60 54.32
49 Davina Raidy Rossendale F40 54.39
50 Daryl Bentley Bolton M 54.59
51 Richard Crompton Wesham Rd Runners M40 55.05
52 Mat Taylor Horwich M 55.17
53 Shirley Staveley Burnden F35 55.55
54 Manhar Patel Fell Ponies M40 56.23
55 Paddy Farrelly Salford mets M50 56.25
56 Dave Hitchen Burden M60 56.26
57 Stuart Furness Blackburn M60 56.30
58 Vaughan Redfern U/A M 56.42
59 Anne Ferguson Burnden F45 57.41
60 Jon Swan U/A M50 57.45
61 Ian Smith Horwich M50 57.59
62 Mark Birbeck Preston M40 58.05
63 Mark Andrews U/A M 58.12
64 Brian Eyre Salford mets M50 58.16
65 John Rudd Wesham Rd Runners M40 58.25
66 R.Longlands Horwich M 58.58
67 Frances Cooper Rossendale F 59.04
68 Ian Philips U/A M 59.33
69 Chris Greenhall Burden M39 59.42
70 Vinny Brodrick Clayton-le-woods M40 59.46
71 Rebekah Swan Radcliffe AC F 59.58
72 Gordon Stone Horwich M50 61.00
73 Jim Taylor Darwen Dashers M50 61.05
74 Robert Nash Preston M60 61.31
75 Mark Murphy Radcliffe AC M 61.40
76 Helen Yeomans Rossendale F40 61.47
77 David Sinnot Saddleworth RC M50 62.07
78 Adam Walker U/A M39 63.15
79 Kath Hoyer Wesham RR F45 63.38
80 Kate Broome Achille Ratti F45 65.10
81 G.Corbishley Rossendale M60 65.34
82 M.Hogarth U/A M40 66.23
83 Geoff Wilen Stretham Striders M50 67.15
84 Ed Swift Horwich M60 68.18
85 Hayley Corbishley Rossendale F 68.24
86 Sarah Roberts Darwen Dashers F40 68.36
87 James Bolton U/A M 69.29
88 Rebecca Simms Darwen Dashers F35 70.07
89 Anne Lomax Burnden F45 70.20
90 Mona Farrelly Salford mets F45 71.59
91 Gina Holt Rossendale F45 72.52
92 Francesca Hartwell Rossendale F40 72.52
93 J.Ann Oliver Burnden F65 73.41

All prizes where kindly donated by ETA sports

Hendersons End - Junior Results

1. Jamie Crompton Horwich M/U16 9.47 *
2. Joe Johnston Rossendale M/U16 10.14
3. Danny Walsh Rossendale M/U14 10.25 *
4. Chris Nash Preston H. M/U14 10.40
5. Anthony Dalton Rossendale M/U14 10.57
6. Jack Stringfellow Rossendale M/U16 11.11
7. Mark Brown Chorley H. M/U14 11.23
8. Daniel Fairclough Horwich M/U16 11.27
9. Sam Boardman Horwich M/U12 11.27 *
10. Shannon Johnson Leigh F/U14 11.29 *
11. Cameron Critchley Horwich M/U12 12.16
12. Sam Walsh Rossendale M/U16 12.19
13. Molly Broome Chorley H. F/U14 12.23
14. Katie Voce Horwich F/U14 13.55
15. Tyler Shannon Colderley F/U14 13.57
16. Martha Gill Horwich F/U12 14.35 *
17. Thomas Hughes U/A M/U12 14.37
18. Chloe Cotton Horwich F/U12 15.03

* Age Group Winners
Thanks to Sweatshop (Chorley) for donating all the Junior prizes

Wednesday, 4 June 2008



1.       Compo & Clegg             185pts      (Allan & Geof)
2.       Fellrunners                      145pts      (Adrian & Colin)
3.       Rapido         =                                   (Chris & Kath)
          Me & Him   =                 103pts      (Colm & Patrick)
4.       Kensington                      90pts        (Albert & Tony)
5.       Settlers                           85pts *     (Settle Family)
6.       Puppy Love                    80pts        (Matt & Helen)
7.       Ratti                               70pts        (Leo & Sheila)
8.       Team Keith                     55pts        (Keith & Mark)

*1st Family

I would like to thank all who took part in the treasure hunt and were very generous in their support and in the raffle.
Also thanks to Dave Clemence, the Hopley Family and the Foster Family who all made donations but could not attend.
Many thanks to Ian & Chris for allowing us to use their house for the event and helping with the “Tatty Hash” supper.
Last but certainly not least thanks to ETA Sports, Tobutt Sports and Kath of Andrew Leach for donating prizes.

It was a very damp evening but this did not dampen the enthusiasm of all who spent 90mins running or walking. around Horwich with map and clues in hand in search of the answers.

On behalf of my Granddaughter Hannah I thank everyone who supported her at this event and raised a magnificent £200. This will be put towards the purchase of specialist equipment and toys to try to give Hannah as much stimulation and comfort as is possible.


John  (Chairman)

Monday, 26 May 2008

Chorley 10 May 2008

32 Steven Doxey 1:03:49
37 Pete Hopley 1:04:49
85 David Clemance 1:10:02
164 Allan Jones 1:21:31
200 Liz Hopley 1:32:14

Jura Fell Race 2008

22 Michael Green 3:57:21

A great run by Mick, finishing 22nd and knocking more than 20 minutes off last years time!

Well done.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Fairfield Horsehsoe

65 Michael Green 1:40:04
198 Adrian Hope 1:59:47

Bupa Mancheseter 10k 2008

derek lord 40.34 391st overall of 30.000

The Haigh Hall 4 Wednesday 14th May 2008

37 Stewart Jones 25:06
70 David Clemance 26:34
143 Liz Hopley 33:53

Well done runners, the new race course started in the park on the road to the Hall and after a hard gradual climb two loops of the hall and grounds then a fast long downhill to the finish.158 runners took part.

Radcliffe 10k Road Race 2008

25 Pete Hopley 00:39:09
47 Derek Lord 00:41:16
109 Mark Beresford 00:46:04
112 Geof Sale 00:46:19
147 Colm O'Brien 00:48:46
161 Allan Jones 00:50:01
192 Liz Hopley 00:54:05

253 finishers in all with a good turnout for this race from the club, with a lot of the race being off road it tempted Geof and Allan from their weekend fell run. Pete is still working hard to get near to the 6 minute mile region and continued improvement from Derek after his marathon success and hard training which brought another Personal best . Fantastic long sprint finish in from Liz on the playing field home lap overtaking several runners as she pushed it all the way to the line.
Great effort everyone.
Keith Thomas , Road Race Captain

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Belmont Winter Hill Fell Race 2008

65 Mick Green 37.53
138 Pete Hopley 45.08
161 Adrian Roberts 47.14
162 Mark Shuttleworth 47.16

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Blackpool Half Marathon

This is a report from Dave Pearson's cousin, who did the Blackpool Half Marathon on Sunday the 27th.

All I can say is Thank God David had a knee injury. If I had had to go round that course completely unattended I would have started walking somewhere after 10 miles. I was so pleased see the 11th mile and know that that was further than I had ever run in my life. So much for smoking for nearly forty years. The weather was perfect, the going was good for the first 9 miles. It was familiar ground after doing the 10k fun run 2 years running - the 2mile loop we began with plus the fun run basically - the Hilton hotel to starr gate and back. But somewhere soon afterwards camethe cliff tops -undulating cliff tops at that. Lets face it I am a pensioner. I have left this running bit a bit late. If only I had eaten a bit less and trained abit more in the last two months since I decided to attempt this thought I. Nevertheless there were 'overweight' (we won't use the word obese, its so vulgar) people in the race as i happily noted while we were waiting for the 'off'. Thanks to cousin David's refusal to condone walking for more than a microsecond while I had a drink I pushed on. He even picked out one or two runners ahead of us who were struggling even more than I so that we could set our sights on ovetaking them - a very satisfying action after 11 miles - and finally while my legs were feeling like jelly - no aching thighs for me- he somehow got me to the finishing line. It was fabulous. Not having given up. Only 3 minutes more than the time he had hoped for, and 27 minute less than the time I had estimated for the event! A medal, a teashirt, a goodies bag and a time I could be proud of - what more could I want. Just to keep up the training and try to repeat the performance - possibly loosing a stone and minute per mile - in my dreams. Its hard to believe I really did it. thankyou david. Here's to your knee!I ommitted to say in was thoroughly enjoyable.


Thursday, 8 May 2008

LEO’S DUATHLON 23rd April 2008

Pos - Name - Bike - Run - Bike - O/all Time

1 - John Hope - 16.31 - 12.55 - 9.05 - 38.31
2 - Stew Jones - 18.19 - 14.29 - 7.05 - 39.53
3 - Pete Hopley - 18.23 - 14.41 - 7.54 - 40.58
4 - Geof Sale - 19.21 - 16.47 - 7.34 - 43.42
5 - Alan Jones - 20.08 - 16.05 - 8.40 - 44.53
6 - Ian Smith - 20.40 - 15.46 - 9.34 - 46.00
7 - Carolyn Brindle - 22.51 - 20.33 - 8.06 - 51.30
8 - Colin Holdcroft - 23.22 - 18.37 - 9.10 - 51.09
9 - John Smith - 24.34 - 19.54 - 11.15 - 55.43
10 - Gill Caldwell - 26.01 - 20.41 - 11.51 - 58.33

Thanks to Leo for organising the event, it was a splendid night and fun was had by all who took part. Blood was spilled even before the off when your illustrious Chairman managed to throw himself off his bike during the warm up, but he gallantly carried on after Sheila applied some first aid.
Thanks to Sheila, the Pollard clan, Chris Smith and Liz Hopley for acting as marshalls, without whom the event could not take place.
John Hope (1st non-member) Stew Jones and Carolyn Brindle took the prizes.
This is an annual event and hopefully more members will join in the fun in the future.


Chairman’s Handicap Trail Race 2008

Pos - Name - Time - Actual Time
1 - Pete Hopley - 33.10 - 24.00
2 - Jason Tonge - 34.33 - 27.24
3 - Steve Smith - 34.46 - 28.49
4 - Mick Green - 34.48 - 23.01
5 - Geof Sale - 35.41 - 28.43
6 - Adrian Hope - 35.52 - 26.42
7 - Kath Johnson - 37.17 - 36.24
7 - Chris Smith - 37.17 - 36.24

Also ran but took incorrect route :-
Derek Lord
Colin Holdcroft
Dave Clemence

I would like to thank all who took part in the trail race on such a great night weatherwise, also thanks to Sheila and Keith (with a pot leg) for marshalling for me and Dave Pearson for his moral support.
A course is to be organised to train members in observation and route recognition to thus enabling them to complete the race next year.
Thanks also to those members who sent their apologies.
All who did the race enjoyed it, and it could only be improved by more members taking part.


Sunday, 4 May 2008

The Lever Park 10k Trail race 2008

16 Stewart Jones 39:35
45 Geof Sale 45:27
58 Allan Jones 48:20

Monday, 28 April 2008

Three Peaks 2008 results

106th Mick Green 03:35:19

Radcliffe 10k 2008

25Pete Hopley 00:39:09
47 Derek Lord 00:41:16
109 Mark Beresford 00:46:04
112 Geof Sale 00:46:19
147 Colm O'Brien 00:48:46
161 Allan Jones 00:50:01
192 Liz Hopley 00:54:05

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Hawkshead trail race results 2008

192 ROBERTS, Ady 1:25:11
199 SHUTTLEWORTH, Mark 1:25:37
346 COLLISON, Cherry 1:35:37

Anniversary Waltz 2008

45 Michael Green 01:54:10
302 Adrian Hope 02:29:00
383 Jason Tonge 02:47:24

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Bolton 10k April 2008

42 Stuart Jones 39:36
69 David Clemence 40:43
115 Adrian Roberts 42:50
126 David Ashworth 43:19
132 Graham Robinson 43:48
181 Mark Shuttleworth 45:50

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

London Marathon 2008 results

DEREK LORD, 3:29:05
PETER NOBLE, 3:59:47
ANAND AHUJA, 5:53:14

Well done all!

Monday, 7 April 2008

Coniton 14... A real fight to the finish...

Once again I find myself at another race with a number kindly donated by Mark Berresford, last week a half marathon this week the Coniston 14. A 5k or a fun run from Mark would be appreciated next.

The beautiful Lake District was the race setting and a 14 mile rollercoaster of a coarse lay ahead.

A car ride up the M6 with fellow runners from Chorley Harriers, Paul Jackson being our driver we arrived in plenty of time to soak up the atmophere that was in full swing.

After a slow start the road became clear, so it was full steam ahead along the undulating road with Lake Coniston on the left surrounded by awesome countryside and towering hills. At six miles water was needed as the weather was pleasanly warm so I made sure I had some at the water station. At mile seven I got a bad ache in my left outerside of my knee, it then developed into a more severe pain and I began to carry my leg with every stride. I decided I could run it off and got to mile nine where the pain came and passed but I realised that going up the inclines and descending was becoming extremely painful. What I should have done at this point was stop and only sheer stupidity made me carry on. Running whilst limping was now slowing me right up and runners where pileing past me. The pain was now quite acute at mile eleven and again I ought to have pulled up and called it a day. At around mile twelve a sharp downhill approached and going down a severe and sharp pain hit me, I ended up practically `hopping` down it, I then, once at the bottom just got to the finish limping, running ,hobbling.

Once I had finished my knee wouldnt bend, but finish I did... then to off the 1st aid for an ice pack and a sit down.
So glad I wasn't driving, dont think I could have but sitting in the car and thinking made me wonder is it just me or all runners barking mad.

Great race if your without injuries though!

Now its an enforced rest and I must remember two things, firstly if running hurts bad then stop, secondly if Mark Berresford offers me another number, turn round, say no then limp away...

For the running boffins around it appears my injury is pointing to`Ilio-tibial-band -friction`. Seems you get it when you do 5 minute miles or less (tongue in cheek) ha .

Dave Pearson
Coniston 14. 269th 1hr 46min 07sec

Friday, 4 April 2008

Liver Hill fell Race 1st April 2008

18 Mick Green 0:38:57
62 Adrian Hope 0:43:54
83 Adrian Roberts 0:46:02
91 Mark Shuttleworth 0:47:33
116 Geof Sale 0:50:04
129 Allan Jones 0:51:30

Well done all


A big thanks to Mark Beresford for giving me his number for this half-marthon and on a day with ideal weather conditions for running. This race fills up early and has 4000 entrants. Getting to Wilmslow in plenty of time is a must as traffic and parking can be an issue.
All was set for my third half marathon of the year and was hoping to better both my other previous times when I hadn't been well or fit.
I had a slow start for the first mile and a half as was boxed in due to the vast amount of runners, then I started to pick up and get into a resonable sort of pace. The miles passed by on these quiet Cheshire country lanes but burst into cheers and clapping at many points on route when passing through villages or road junctions. I was feeling strong at ten miles, so with 3 miles to go I pushed on ,only to fade for the last two and a half.

My fitness is getting there ,due to going to the track on Tues evening, (thanks to Mr Mathews) so was pleased to muster up a fast finish for the last 800 metres and finish in a gun time of 1hr 36min 14sec (my watch 1hr 35min 46sec) 24th vet 50.

This time was a big improvement on my last two halfs, knocking 12mins off my first of the year.

My next encounter towards total fitness is the scenic roads of the lake district,t he Coniston 14.on saturday .........

Dave Pearson

Haigh hall report

Haigh Hall relays

Two Teams turned out at the relays to add to the increased number of participants this year with 39 teams overall . This made for good competition between familiar rivil teams as the race progressed. The two vet teams were
Team 1
Team 2
Keith Thomas 22.45
Duncan Crompton 26.44
Mick Green 22.42
Dave Clemence 25. 26
Pete Hopley 23.41
Dave Pearson 28.08
Stewart Jones 24.14
Derek Lord 25.45

Team 1 came 3rd Vets team overall with a combined time of 1hr.33.32 pushed on by a strong Burden team close behind on each leg but finishing on 1hr 34.53. An excellent run and fastest team time by Mick helped pull back and overtake the class Salford ladies team , a lead we were able to maintain.There was pressure on the second Lostock and Burden teams throughout the relay with Burden just pulling ahead to finish in 1hr 45.07 ahead of Lostock in 1 hr 46.03. A great turnout in this nice location, thanks for our supporters and Neil and Alan's offers to stand in if needed to enable teams to be complete. As usual, a heart pumping event which works runners hard both in judging the pace and self control on the 2 mile descent, and the effort drawn from you in trying to maintain pace and position on the almost 2 mile uphill return leg while surrounded by equally determined competitors. Well done everyone. Next year we could try for more teams including mixed teams if members bear this race in mind and express an interest.

Keith Thomas Race Captain

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

IT HAD TO HAPPEN .......................................SOMETIME ...................

Over the Easter holiday I decided to get back on track with my running having been in the doldrums for way to long and compete in the Tour of the Fylde Marathon, 4 races over 4 consecutive days starting with a 10k and finishing with a 10miler with a 4mile beach race and a 6mile X-country squeezed inbetween.

If you thought the weather was bad at home you should have been in Blackpool, on the sea front at 6pm on the 20th. The weather was so bad the course had to be altered as the conditions were so bad. I managed a time of 42 50, not bad as the wind buffeted me for half the race. It was also milestone for me in my running career as after nearly five years racing I got my very FIRST soaking in a race, I was sodden, saturated, lets hope it takes another 5years before I race in atrocious weather like we had that night.

Day 2 was at the beach at St Annes, no rain, just a raging wind and a drop of hail, again the course had to be altered due to this northerly as we would have been sandblasted to bits had we ran into the wind on the beach, so it was a double lapper with the strong wind in our faces on the road and a tail wind on our backs along the beach. I got a time of 26 24 again I was pleased with my effort considering the dreadful conditions.

Day 3 was a 6mile X- country, still a wind today but not as bad, no rain or hail so things were looking promising, this was a 4 lapper and I must say a quite a sapper. I set off fast-ish and finished slow-ish ,the tour now taking its toll on me, managed a 42 07, three races in the bag with just a 10 miler the following day.

Day 4 dawned, snow over the hills of rivington didn't look to good ,nor the biting wind, I shuddered to think what conditions would be like for my 10 miler in Fleetwood. The weather was crisp in Fleetwood, the sort of wind with a chill factor that would freeze an eskimo in 5minutes flat. The sea was pounding against the sea wall, the wind had made sand dunes over part of the coarse and I had to get out of my car in half an hour and race. The holiday makers in Blackpool down the coast would have heard the gun go off at 11am as the wind was howling in that direction, so I was now off on my last leg of the tour. It was a two lapper , again I had a fight with the wind , felt like two steps forward one back. I finished tired and battered, but with a smile on my face and a time of 1hr 13, because the elements did their best to spoil this tour and it came a poor second.

My thanks go to the organisers Mr and Mrs Lewis McAndrew who organised the event on their own, they marked out the courses, set the races off, stood in the awful conditions to get our times at the finish and raised money for the British Red Cross.

Looking back at the tour the highlight had to be getting my first race soaking , as my heading says it had to happen ...............sometime ............... lol

dave pearson

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Rivington Pike fell race 22nd March 2008

70 Mick Green V40 22:43
101 Pete Hopley V40 23:47
111 Duncan Crompton V40 24:17
208 Allan Jones V60 28:12
283 Mark Smith 35:14

Monday, 17 March 2008

Haigh Hall Relays


13 Lostock Ac 'A' 1:33:32
Also 3rd VETS team

Keith Thomas (14) 22:55
Mick Green (13) 22:42
Pete Hopley (12) 23:41
Stewart Jones (13) 24:14

25 Lostock Ac 'B' 1:46:03

Duncn Crompton (27) 26:44
Dave Clemence (26) 25:26
Dave Pearson (25) 28:08
Derek Lord (25) 25:45

Fastest of all legs

7 Mick Green Lostock Ac A 22:42
10 Keith Thomas Lostock Ac A 22:55

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Half Tour of Pendle

6 Michael Green 01:15:22
73 Peter Hopley 01:29:23
113 Adrian Hope 01:35:26
133 Aidrian Roberts 01:39:35
142 Geof Sale 01:42:18
160 Mark Shuttleworth 01:45:33
164 Allan Jones 01:47:02

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Torremolinos Half Marathon ,Spain 2nd February 2008

Thanks to Mark Beresford and Dave Pearson for organising and encouraging me to join them in their Torremolinos Half Marathon adventure with a group of different local club runners (16 in all) A very friendly and easy going bunch had excellent acommodation close to the town centre and the race start.After a long walk along the sea front in the glorious if not bizarre sunshine (after leaving that morning in freezing hail and rain) we enjoyed the night out before race day .The race preparations were already underway,stageing, ,equipment,barriers etc being put in place and building up the feeling of anticipation for the race particularly as I had no idea what to expect. Excellent organisation and facilities for a race which is free to enter and it did have an atmosphere of a special event. After a urban start the course made its way to the sea front for a warm hike for 4-5 miles along the prom trying to psychologically keep to the pace and judge the water stops to match the warm conditions. Fortunately the sea breeze and patchy cloud just made it bearable( for on a hot day it would be a different race altogether)until the course meandered inland through town gently up towards a bypass which indicated over half way and on the way home.The road at the side of the bypass was the long return leg again 4-5 miles of long long steady gradients which gradually sapped any speed you started with or were trying to keep in reserve. It did change your mindset from trying to get a good time to just trying to finish. Fortunately the twists and turns of the final few miles allowed some distraction but the long return straight had done its damage and it was hard to feel any recovery until the cheers of the crowded town centre spectators drove you on up the mainstreet to the finish. Excellent goody bag ,refreshments and presentation. Huge elevated podium , with trophies the size of washing up bowls down to large plantpot size, enough to make it feel real special for the 3 of our merry band that picked up prizes ,Jackie Redmain,Derek Kay and myself. It was nice to meet and see other uk club groups chilling out and it did turn a few heads afterwards walking in our group with so much glinting silverware (...well chromeware...)A hard race but an enjoyable event if you want to treat yourself to a race away .
Keith Thomas

Monday, 18 February 2008

Radcliffe 12 Mile Trail Race 17th February 2008

92 Jason Tonge 01:33:24
115 Jane Forrest 01:37:59
167 Nyree O'Neill 01:50:05

Parbold Hill Race 16th February 2008

192 A Roberts 00:56:55
211 M Shuttleworth 00:58:18

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Winter Hill fell race 2008

8 Mick Green 01:45:13
94 Peter Hopley 02:11:26
124 Brian Holt 02:19:56
128 Adrian Hope 02:20:01
156 Alan Jones 02:32:31
162 Adrian Roberts 02:34:05
167 Mark Shuttleworth 02:36:22
173 Geoff Sale 02:37:59