Thursday, 19 April 2007

ALLAN’S MYSTERY TOUR- 25th April 2007

Once again the idyllic Jones’ Estate will be the setting for the annual “Mystery Tour” an event inspired and conceived by the “Duo of the Fells” alias Sale and Jones. (Allan and Geoff)

This year to boost numbers the event will be held on a Wednesday, a night where all are already committed to doing at least some running, why not, therefore extend the evening to include a barbeque and the odd beverage?

The details……

The event is essentially a treasure hunt. Each team (ideally pairs) will be issued with a map with locations and a set of cryptic (read daft/obscure/off the wall) clues. Points are earned by correctly answering/guessing answers to the clues.
Each team has 90 minutes to amass as many points as possible. Points are deducted for time over the 90 mins- that’s where the running comes in.

Shortly afterwards Allan fires up the barbeque and we all have a few beers ahead of the prize giving.

Teams are set off on arrival, first pairs are to start at 6pm and realistically the last need to start before 7.30pm.

So just turn up, as soon as possible you don’t have to already be in a team, bring some warm clothes for afterwards.

All are welcome, it’s not just for Lostock members, even if you can’t run- it’s a great event, an awful lot of effort goes into it from Geoff and Allan.

The cost for entry and barbeque is £4.00 per head and drinks are charged at £1.00 per can/bottle;

The venue is Allan’s home so if you need to bring the kids then please ensure you keep them supervised at all times.


Nightingales Farm - on the left just before L&L Cruisers Ltd (Canal barge hire place)
Rawlinson Lane
Heath Charnock

Telephone 01257 482882
Please let Allan know if you coming, so he can get an idea of numbers.

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