Back in the Autumn months a few Lostock members decided it would be a good idea to learn how to read a map! Well, It seemed the sensible thing for me given the threat of replacement for some fancy electronic sat-nav system!
The Navigation course is run by the Fell Runners Association and the particular one we were attending was in Kettlewell - not far from Skipton (for those without sat-nav!)
It’s a full weekend and for those thinking it’s an excuse for a knees up (well everyone EXCEPT Lostock!) then they would be in for a shock.
We all arrived roughly the same time and quickly recce’d the area and counted that there were indeed 3 pubs. First challenge ticked off. A quick bite to eat and a pint or two just to settle the nerves and it was straight to the youth hostel. Not being a YH girl myself I was pleasantly surprised with the building we were in, clean, tidy and spacious and the organisation was a triumph.
I was sharing a room with 4 other runners from various parts of the country and unfortunately just happened to be right next door to an extremely rowdy bunch - think their names were John, Ian, Pete, Adrian, Jason and Matt!!!
The first session of the weekend (that is, a serious navigation session nothing beer related!), started on the Friday night at 8pm, rather unfair really - we were still settling in!! Initially we were shown how to open a map - and for some that was indeed a struggle! Which way to turn the map and what exactly the real use of a compass was!
It primarily involved lots of adults in a room turning themselves round in circles, and I have to say made absolutely little sense whatsoever! I was assured however, that all would become very clear.
So, with that done and rounded off at 9.30 it was a quick stroll to the nearest watering hole for deep discussions into what had been learned so far with maybe the odd anecdote thrown in.
It became clear pretty quickly that there is a last orders and all night drinking doesn’t go on in Kettlewell! Just as well as it was a 6.30am alarm call for the mornings run.
Saturday morning began with an opened eye and a toe tentatively poking out from under the duvet to determine how cold it REALLY was. The rain had made it’s presence felt all night long - bunking under the eaves saw to that! A choice of running apparel had to be made all kitted out 10 minutes later and still bleary eyed it was a quick shuffle downstairs to meet and greet the rest of the ‘dedicated’ runners. Lots of mumblings were going on about the route choice but the unanimous decision of run for 20 minutes turn round and run back for 20 was the general consensus.
Off we went, down a lane, round a corner then UP, up, up and more up. 23 minutes it took to get to a suitable turning point - bearing in mind I couldn’t see the front lot! A quick turn around and 9 minutes to get back again, working up an appetite for breakfast!
Breakfast was a veritable feast and there was certainly plenty of it. Followed by another decision as to what to wear, the wind was pretty strong and it was mighty chilly out there. The majority of folk came down looking 3 stone heavier and pretty rounded!
We were put into groups based on prior or absolutely no experience, my being the latter.
The exercise for the day was to be guided to various checkpoints and then shadowed to others. The instructors were brilliant, ours Dave, had the patience of a Saint and believe me Shirley, Gemma and I must have tested it!
Packed lunches were collected and off we went. The day was fun, educational and in parts hard going, although I feel that was more to do with the fact it was cold, wet and windy, after a few hours on the fells and lunch huddled behind a rock we were certainly getting ready for a nice cup of steaming hot coffee.
Alas - no sneaking off early we were to put the days teachings into practice At 2.30 everybody regrouped and we were ‘released’ individually round a mini orienteering course. Only I managed to lose everybody although am happy to say DID manage to get round and find all the checkpoints - erm…. eventually!!
On the way back down to the YH stomping with force (due to being cross at being hopeless!) I passed a large group of people all huddled together - it didn’t cross my mind to stop and investigate (hot showers and coffee were beckoning - SORRY John) it transpires that after completing the exercise John (Smith) had slipped getting back onto the path, landed awkwardly and what others thought may have been a strained ankle turned out to be a rather nasty break.
The leaders all pulled together and crafted some sort of contraption/seat to get John off the hill - they did comment it was good practice just a shame John broke his ankle in order for them to get the practice! They did a fantastic job and I know John himself spoke very highly of the efficiency, support and help he had received from them.
Whilst John was in hospital getting plastered (!) the rest of us were tucking into a 3 course meal which I have to say was superb and just what was needed. The only down side was that no sooner had the plates been cleared it was time for the night time exercise!
Another change of gear - running out of dry things by now! Head torches donned we were paired up with our team mate and sent off out into the cold wet and still very windy darkness in two’s. The exercise was to navigate round a course locating orienteering flags then clip a card - although due to the amount of rain that was pelting down most of these cards became fairly unrecognisable.
This for me was the highlight of the weekend - absolutely loved it - all that Wednesday night running over Winter Hill came in use - just wish I could run in the daylight like that!
Quick shower and thaw out and it was time for a well earned rest/drink! The whole group all managed to squish into 1 pub where it’s fair to say we became fairly comfortable, sadly lacking our ’leader’ John though who was dosed up on painkillers and trying to get a couple of hours sleep before the rabble turned up. Think I can speak for all and say that a good night was had - must have been good as my head was telling me so in the morning!
Needless to say for the majority the 6.30 alarm for the Sunday morning run was completely ignored, for the most I’m guessing it was due to the snow on the ground and the fact the snow was STILL falling in blizzard like proportions - global warming at it’s height?! Legend has it that whilst the rest of us snoozed, Pete ‘the die hard’ Hopley managed to get out for that run and zip up the hill no problem. I believe there is even photographic evidence of this - think he was the only one in shorts mind!!
The rest of us began the day at the more civilised hour of 7.30! Having another big breakfast and regrouping for the days instruction. Which, basically involved all setting off individually to navigate a rather complicated looking course, bearing in mind we had spent the first couple of hours of the morning plotting all the grid references on the map and getting last minute instructions/advice/help - anything other than the instructor’s doing it for us! We were let loose once more and for the final time on the contours, spurs and re-entrants of the Yorkshire fells (see, I DID learn something!) Some decided to put everything into practice and have a good ‘run’ into the bargain, whilst others took a more sedate approach and had more of a ‘stroll’ around the area taking in the scenery (honest, nothing to do with a bad head whatsoever!)
We all got back to the Hostel at varying times devouring our days packed lunch both wearily and triumphantly yet sad in the knowledge the weekend had come quickly to a close.
The planning, organisation, structure and content of the weekend was excellent and the experience, helpfulness, patience and understanding of all those that went into making this happen was second to none.
I would whole heartedly recommend it to anyone and say not only was it exceptional value for money it was an experience unlikely to be repeated - well unless we can get on the Elterwater one!
Emma Gregory
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