Once again I find myself at another race with a number kindly donated by Mark Berresford, last week a half marathon this week the Coniston 14. A 5k or a fun run from Mark would be appreciated next.
The beautiful Lake District was the race setting and a 14 mile rollercoaster of a coarse lay ahead.
A car ride up the M6 with fellow runners from Chorley Harriers, Paul Jackson being our driver we arrived in plenty of time to soak up the atmophere that was in full swing.
After a slow start the road became clear, so it was full steam ahead along the undulating road with Lake Coniston on the left surrounded by awesome countryside and towering hills. At six miles water was needed as the weather was pleasanly warm so I made sure I had some at the water station. At mile seven I got a bad ache in my left outerside of my knee, it then developed into a more severe pain and I began to carry my leg with every stride. I decided I could run it off and got to mile nine where the pain came and passed but I realised that going up the inclines and descending was becoming extremely painful. What I should have done at this point was stop and only sheer stupidity made me carry on. Running whilst limping was now slowing me right up and runners where pileing past me. The pain was now quite acute at mile eleven and again I ought to have pulled up and called it a day. At around mile twelve a sharp downhill approached and going down a severe and sharp pain hit me, I ended up practically `hopping` down it, I then, once at the bottom just got to the finish limping, running ,hobbling.
Once I had finished my knee wouldnt bend, but finish I did... then to off the 1st aid for an ice pack and a sit down.
So glad I wasn't driving, dont think I could have but sitting in the car and thinking made me wonder is it just me or all runners barking mad.
Great race if your without injuries though!
Now its an enforced rest and I must remember two things, firstly if running hurts bad then stop, secondly if Mark Berresford offers me another number, turn round, say no then limp away...
For the running boffins around it appears my injury is pointing to`Ilio-tibial-band -friction`. Seems you get it when you do 5 minute miles or less (tongue in cheek) ha .
Dave Pearson
Coniston 14. 269th 1hr 46min 07sec